• pushWindow

    You can use pushWindow to open a new page, with transition animation provided in iOS platform. Please note that you cannot use this API to open pages from other applications (Please use startApp API instead).

    Please use location.href for opening deep-linking page with custom scheme instead of using pushWindow.

    The behaviour of pushWindow is similar to opening new tab in browser, pushWindow creates a new instance of page, and keep the state of pervious page in stack, allowing the Javascript in old page continue running in the background.


    // Open taobao homepage, use taobao homepage title as page title and remove option menu
    AlipayJSBridge.call('pushWindow', {
      url: 'https://m.taobao.com/',
      param: {
        readTitle: true,
        showOptionMenu: false


    Open taobao homepage without option menu

    <h1>Open taobao homepage</h1>
    <a class="btn J_demo">Execute</a>
    function ready(callback) {
      // Invoke directly if JSBridge is already injected
      if (window.AlipayJSBridge) {
        callback && callback();
      } else {
        // Otherwise listen to `AlipayJSBridgeReady` event
        document.addEventListener('AlipayJSBridgeReady', callback, false);
    ready(function() {
      document.querySelector('a').addEventListener('click', function() {
        // Open taobao homepage, use taobao homepage title as page title and remove option menu
        AlipayJSBridge.call('pushWindow', {
          url: 'https://m.taobao.com/',
          param: {
            readTitle: true,
            showOptionMenu: false

    Open new page via deep-link with custom schema

    <h1>Open desired app</h1>
    <a class="btn J_demo">Execute</a>
    function ready(callback) {
      // Invoke directly if JSBridge is already injected
      if (window.AlipayJSBridge) {
        callback && callback();
      } else {
        // Otherwise listen to `AlipayJSBridgeReady` event
        document.addEventListener('AlipayJSBridgeReady', callback, false);
    ready(function() {
      document.querySelector('a').addEventListener('click', function() {
        AlipayJSBridge.call('pushWindow', {
          url: 'alipays://platformapi/startapp?appId=60000002',

    Open new page with transparent title bar

    <h1>Open taobao homepage</h1>
    <a class="btn J_demo">Execute</a>
    function ready(callback) {
      // Invoke directly if JSBridge is already injected
      if (window.AlipayJSBridge) {
        callback && callback();
      } else {
        // Otherwise listen to `AlipayJSBridgeReady` event
        document.addEventListener('AlipayJSBridgeReady', callback, false);
      document.querySelector('a').addEventListener('click', function() {
        AlipayJSBridge.call('pushWindow', {
          url: 'https://m.taobao.com',
          param: {
            transparentTitle: 'auto'


    AlipayJSBridge.call('pushWindow', {
      url, param

    Input Parameters

    urlstringThe page URL to be openedY
    paramdictionarySupported key/value pairs defined in the parameter table belowN{}

    Parameter Table

    defaultTitlestringDefault tile, displayed when page is being loaded‘’
    showLoadingboolWhether or not to display global loading spinnerfalse
    readTitleboolWhether or not to use webpage title in title bartrue
    pullRefreshboolWhether or not to support pull to refreshfalsesince 8.2
    toolbarMenustringAn JSON string that specifies additional menu items. e.g.,
    ‘’since 8.2
    canPullDownboolWhether or not to support pull down Obsoleted since 9.9.5, Use ‘allowsBounceVertical’insteadtrueandroid since 8.3
    ios since 8.4,
    allowsBounceVerticalboolWhether or not allow vertical bouncetruesince 9.9.3
    bounceTopColorintThe edge color of bounce top(Decimal,e.g., bc=16775138)Same as 9.9.3 when undefinedsince 9.9.3
    bounceBottomColorintThe edge color of bounce bottom(Decimal,e.g., bc=16775138)Same as 9.9.3 when undefinedsince 9.9.3(only IOS)
    showTitleLoadingboolWhether or not to show the title loading spinnerfalsesince 8.6
    preRpcstringThe Start-up parameter for RPC request (in utf-8 encoding), please refer to the RPC API for more detailssince 9.3
    delayRenderboolWhether or not to delay rendering. Note: this parameter is only effective if this feature is enabled in remote configurationfalsesince 9.3.1(only Android)
    transparentTitlestringMutually exclusive with titleBarColor
    always/auto: If set to always, the title bar is alawys transparent no matter whether the page is being scrolled up or down.
    If set to auto, transparency is increased when page is being scrolled down until full transparent when scrollTop == 80pt. Transparency is decreased when page is being scrolled up until full opaque.
    If transparency transition is not required, please set transparentTitle to none
    ‘’since 9.5.1
    titleBarColorintMutually exclusive with transparentTitle
    (Decimal, e.g., bc=16775138)
    scrollDistanceintOnly effective if transparentTitle is set to auto
    The distance to scroll in order to reach transparency == 0.96
    iOS(80)since 9.9
    startMultAppboolWhether or not to start application with the same appIDfalsesince 9.9
    titleImagestringThe URL to title image.
    Please use a 3x PNG image, only effective in the current ViewController, please put the image in the global offline package for better user experience
    ‘’since 9.9.5
    closeCurrentWindowboolClose the current window when opening up new pagefalsesince 9.9.2
    animationTypestringType of animation, available options are none and push. Note: Not available in Android‘push’since 10.0.15

    Transfer Parameters to new page

    The values of some of the pushWindow Parameters from the current H5 page window are automatically transferred to the new opening page, please refer to the following table for transferrable parameters

    NameTransferrable to new pageRemarks
    backBehaviorYpop unless specified by user

    Differences between pushWindow and location.href

    Beginners are usually confused by pushWindow and location.href, and having doubts such as why resume events are not being triggered properly. Actually the concept is quite simple if you understand the following key points.

    • First think Nebula container as a Web browser
    • A window or H5 page can be considered as a Tab
    • pushWindow action is similar to opening a page in a new Tab and deactivating the current Tab
    • location.href action is like loading a webpage inside the currently opened Tab
    • When the current Tab is being closed (pop) and previous Tab is still alive, the previous Tab will be re-activated, and a resume event is triggered in this case


    • Since the current page is not closed when calling pushWindow to open new page, opening too many pages may consume lots of memory and thus make application performance poor. It is recommended to keep the number of opened pages to 5, otherwise it will be a bad user experience with potential crashes
    • Calling pushWindow API will close the existing page that matches the passed appId and open create a new page with the same appId
    • If the input parameters are not effective when opening a page via deep-linking with custom schema, that is probably because the input parameters are overwritten by the H5 App configuration
    • Instead of window.location.href, you can use closeCurrentWindow parameter to close the current window and open a new one. However, there is a technical limitation in iOS platform, such that the newly opened window cannot be closed via exitApp or startApp+closeCurrentApp. It is recommended to pushWindow+closeCurrentWindow in this scenario