• Since 8.0


    Configure the behaviours of option menu in title bar. This API is for behaviour configuration only, please use showOptionMenu to show the option menu.

    Note:Due to App Transport Security (ATS), please use https or bases64 for image URL in iOS platform.


    AlipayJSBridge.call('setOptionMenu', {
      title : 'Button', 
      redDot : '-1', // -1 for invisible, 0 for visible red dot, 1-99 for the number inside the red dot
      color : '#ff00ff00', // ARGB value


    Various configurations of option menu buttons

    <h1>Please press the following buttons</h1>
    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn button">Button only</a>
    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn icon">Icon only</a>
    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn menu">Multiple menu</a>
    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn reset">Rest</a>
    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn hide">Hide</a>
    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn show">Show</a>
    function ready(callback) {
      // Invoke directly if JSBridge is already injected
      if (window.AlipayJSBridge) {
        callback && callback();
      } else {
        // Otherwise listen to `AlipayJSBridgeReady` event
        document.addEventListener('AlipayJSBridgeReady', callback, false);
      document.querySelector('.button').addEventListener('click', function() {
        AlipayJSBridge.call('setOptionMenu', {
          title : 'Button',
          redDot : '5', // -1 for invisible, 0 for visible red dot, 1-99 for the number inside the red dot
          color : '#ff00ff00', // ARGB value
      document.querySelector('.icon').addEventListener('click', function() {
        AlipayJSBridge.call('setOptionMenu', {
          icon : 'http://pic.alipayobjects.com/e/201212/1ntOVeWwtg.png',
          redDot : '-1', // -1 for invisible, 0 for visible red dot, 1-99 for the number inside the red dot
      document.querySelector('.menu').addEventListener('click', function() {
        AlipayJSBridge.call('setOptionMenu', {
          // Displayed in reverse order
          menus: [{
            icontype: 'scan',
            redDot: '-1', // -1 for invisible, 0 for visible red dot, 1-99 for the number inside the red dot
          }, {
            icontype: 'user',
            redDot: '-1', // -1 for invisible, 0 for visible red dot, 1-99 for the number inside the red dot
          override: true // Whether or not to keep the default option menu item when setting up multiple menu items
        // Force to refresh UI
      document.querySelector('.reset').addEventListener('click', function() {
        AlipayJSBridge.call('setOptionMenu', {
          reset: true,
      document.querySelector('.show').addEventListener('click', function() {
      document.querySelector('.hide').addEventListener('click', function() {
      document.addEventListener('optionMenu', function (e) {
      }, false);


    The priority order of the following properties: reset > title > icontype > iconfont > icon

      title, icon, redDot, reset, color, override, menus, icontype, iconfont

    Input Parameters

    titlestringText for the button, mutually exclusive with icon and icontype iconfont propertiesY
    iconstringThe image icon for the button, it can be either a URL or base64 string, mutually exclusive with title and icontype iconfont propertiesY
    redDotstring-1 for invisible, 0 for visible red dot, 1-99 for the number inside the red dotN
    resetboolReset to system default, other properties are ignored if rest is set to trueYfalse
    colorstringColor of the textN#ffffffff
    overrideboolWhether or not to keep the default option menu item when setting up multiple menu itemsNfalse
    menusarrayAn array for menu buttonsN[]
    preventDefaultboolWhether or not to hide the default share functionN[]
    icontypestringPreset images, available options are user, filter, search, add, settings, scan, info, help, locate, more and mail. Mutually exclusive with icon and title iconfont propertiesN
    iconfontstringPreset images, http://alipay-rmsdeploy-image.cn-hangzhou.alipay.aliyun-inc.com/ucpsprod/ios_unicode.htmlNICONFONT_MORE10.2.20
    contentDescstringContent description for accessibilityN


    • Please call showOptionMenu to force refresh the UI after setOptionMenu